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Text 26

aśvair gajai rathaiḥ kvāpi
vicarantaṁ gadāgrajam
kvacic chayānaṁ paryaṅke
stūyamānaṁ ca vandibhiḥ

aśvaiḥ — on horses; gajaiḥ — on elephants; rathaiḥ — on chariots; kva api — somewhere; vicarantam — riding; gada-agrajam — Lord Kṛṣṇa, the elder brother of Gada; kvacit — somewhere; śayānam — lying; paryaṅke — on His bed; stūyamānam — being praised; ca — and; vandibhiḥ — by bards.

In one place Lord Gadāgraja was riding on horses, elephants and chariots, and in another place He was resting on His bed while bards recited His glories.

Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī points out that riding on horses and elephants is a noon activity, whereas one lies down during the latter part of night.

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