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Text 7

tān ānarcur yathā sarve
saha-rāmo ’cyuto ’rcayat

tān — them; ānarcuḥ — they worshiped; yathā — properly; sarve — all of them; saha-rāma — including Lord Balarāma; acyutaḥ — and Lord Kṛṣṇa; arcayat — worshiped them; sv-āgata — with greetings; āsana — sitting places; pādya — water to wash the feet; arghya — water to drink; mālya — flower garlands; dhūpa — incense; anulepanaiḥ — and sandalwood paste.

Lord Kṛṣṇa, Lord Balarāma and the other kings and leaders properly worshiped the sages by offering them words of greeting, sitting places, water for washing their feet, drinking water, flower garlands, incense and sandalwood paste.

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