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Text 8
karāla-daṁṣṭraś cakṣurbhyāṁ
sañcakṣāṇo dahann iva
abhiplutya sva-gadayā
hato ’sīty āhanad dharim
karāla — fearful; daṁṣṭraḥ — having tusks; cakṣurbhyām — with both eyes; sañcakṣāṇaḥ — staring; dahan — burning; iva — as if; abhiplutya — attacking; sva-gadayā — with his own club; hataḥ — slain; asi — You are; iti — thus; āhanat — struck; harim — at Hari.
The demon, who had fearful tusks, stared at the Personality of Godhead as though to burn Him. Springing into the air, he aimed his mace at the Lord, exclaiming at the same time, “You are slain!”