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Text 16

śrī-hrī-dayā-kīrtibhir ujjhitaṁ tvāṁ
sva-karmaṇā puruṣādaiś ca garhyam
kṛcchreṇa mac-chūla-vibhinna-deham
aspṛṣṭa-vahniṁ samadanti gṛdhrāḥ

śrī — opulence or beauty; hrī — shame; dayā — mercy; kīrtibhiḥ — and glory; ujjhitam — bereft of; tvām — you; sva-karmaṇā — by your own activities; puruṣa-adaiḥ — by the Rākṣasas (man-eaters); ca — and; garhyam — condemnable; kṛcchreṇa — with great difficulty; mat-śūla — by my trident; vibhinna — pierced; deham — your body; aspṛṣṭa-vahnim — not even touched by fire; samadanti — will eat; gṛdhrāḥ — the vultures.

Indra, you are bereft of all shame, mercy, glory and good fortune. Deprived of these good qualities by the reactions of your fruitive activities, you are to be condemned even by the man-eaters [Rākṣasas]. Now I shall pierce your body with my trident, and after you die with great pain, even fire will not touch you; only the vultures will eat your body.

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