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Text 22

astauṣīd dhaṁsa-guhyena
bhagavantam adhokṣajam
tubhyaṁ tad abhidhāsyāmi
kasyātuṣyad yathā hariḥ

astauṣīt — satisfied; haṁsa-guhyena — by the celebrated prayers known as Haṁsa-guhya; bhagavantam — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; adhokṣajam — who is beyond the reach of the senses; tubhyam — unto you; tat — that; abhidhāsyāmi — I shall explain; kasya — with Dakṣa, the prajāpati; atuṣyat — was satisfied; yathā — how; hariḥ — the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

My dear King, I shall fully explain to you the Haṁsa-guhya prayers, which were offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead by Dakṣa, and I shall explain how the Lord was pleased with him for those prayers.

It is to be understood that the Haṁsa-guhya prayers were not composed by Dakṣa, but were existing in the Vedic literature.

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