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Text 28

namas te puruṣa-śreṣṭha
bhaktānāṁ naḥ prapannānāṁ
mukhyo hy ātma-gatir vibho

namaḥ — I offer my respectful obeisances; te — unto You; puruṣa-śreṣṭha — the best of all living entities, the best of all enjoyers; sthiti — of maintenance; utpatti — creation; apyaya — and destruction; īśvara — the Supreme Lord; bhaktānām — of Your devotees; naḥ — like us; prapannānām — those who are surrendered; mukhyaḥ — the supreme; hi — indeed; ātma-gatiḥ — the supreme destination; vibho — Lord Viṣṇu.

O my Lord, master of creation, maintenance and annihilation, O best of enjoyers, Lord Viṣṇu, You are the leader and destination of surrendered devotees like us. Therefore let me offer my respectful obeisances unto You.

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