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Text 26

atha śūra-suto rājan
putrayoḥ samakārayat
purodhasā brāhmaṇaiś ca
yathāvad dvija-saṁskṛtim

atha — then; śūra-sutaḥ — the son of Śūrasena (Vasudeva); rājan — O King (Parīkṣit); putrayoḥ — of his two sons; samakārayat — had performed; purodhasā — by a priest; brāhmaṇaiḥ — by brāhmaṇas; ca — and; yathā-vat — properly; dvija-saṁskṛtim — second-birth initiation.

My dear King, then Vasudeva, the son of Śūrasena, arranged for a priest and other brāhmaṇas to perform his two sons’ second-birth initiation.

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