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Text 11

ātmānaṁ bhūṣayām āsa
vāsobhir bhūṣaṇaiḥ svīyair

ātmānam — Himself; bhūṣayām āsa — He decorated; nara-loka — of human society; vibhūṣaṇam — the very ornament; vāsobhiḥ — with clothes; bhūṣaṇaiḥ — and jewelry; svīyaiḥ — belonging to Himself; divya — divine; srak — with flower garlands; anulepanaiḥ — and ointments.

He would decorate His body, the very ornament of human society, with His own special clothes and jewelry and with divine flower garlands and ointments.

Śrīdhara Svāmī points out that the Lord’s “own garments and ornaments” include the Lord’s well-known yellow garments, the Kaustubha gem and so on.

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