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Text 29

prāyo gṛheṣu te cittam
akāma-vihitaṁ tathā
naivāti-prīyase vidvan
dhaneṣu viditaṁ hi me

prāyaḥ — for the most part; gṛheṣu — in household affairs; te — your; cittam — mind; akāma-vihitam — uninfluenced by material desires; tathā — also; na — not; eva — indeed; ati — very much; prīyase — you take pleasure; vidvan — O wise one; dhaneṣu — in the pursuit of material wealth; viditam — it is known; hi — indeed; me — by Me.

Even though you are mostly involved in household affairs, your mind is not affected by material desires. Nor, O learned one, do you take much pleasure in the pursuit of material wealth. This I am well aware of.

Lord Kṛṣṇa here reveals that in fact He was well aware of His friend’s situation. Sudāmā was actually learned and spiritually advanced, and therefore he was not interested in ordinary sense gratification, as is the common man.

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