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Text 15
gāḥ sannivartya sāyāhne
saha-rāmo janārdanaḥ
veṇuṁ viraṇayan goṣṭham
agād gopair abhiṣṭutaḥ
gāḥ — the cows; sannivartya — turning back; sāya-ahne — in the late afternoon; saha-rāmaḥ — together with Lord Balarāma; janārdanaḥ — Śrī Kṛṣṇa; veṇum — His flute; viraṇayan — playing in a specific way; goṣṭham — to the cowherd village; agāt — He went; gopaiḥ — by the cowherd boys; abhiṣṭutaḥ — being praised.
It was now late in the afternoon, and Lord Kṛṣṇa, accompanied by Balarāma, turned the cows back toward home. Playing His flute in a special way, Kṛṣṇa returned to the cowherd village in the company of His cowherd friends, who chanted His glories.