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Text 27

sudarśanaṁ pāñcajanyaṁ
muṣalaṁ kaustubhaṁ mālāṁ
śrīvatsaṁ cānupūjayet

sudarśanam — the Lord’s disc; pāñcajanyam — the Lord’s conchshell; gadā — His club; asi — sword; iṣu — arrows; dhanuḥ — bow; halān — and plow; muṣalam — His muṣala weapon; kaustubham — the Kaustubha gem; mālām — His garland; śrīvatsam — the decoration of Śrīvatsa on His chest; ca — and; anupūjayet — one should worship one after another.

One should worship, in order, the Lord’s Sudarśana disc, His Pāñcajanya conchshell, His club, sword, bow, arrows and plow, His muṣala weapon, His Kaustubha gem, His flower garland and the Śrīvatsa curl of hair on His chest.

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