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Text 25

kāścid viparyag-dhṛta-vastra-bhūṣaṇā
vismṛtya caikaṁ yugaleṣv athāparāḥ
nāṅktvā dvitīyaṁ tv aparāś ca locanam

kaścit — some of them; viparyak — backwards; dhṛta — putting on; vastra — their clothes; bhūṣaṇaḥ — and ornaments; vismṛtya — forgetting; ca — and; ekam — one; yugaleṣu — of the pairs; atha — and; aparāḥ — others; kṛta — placing; eka — only one; patra — earring; śravaṇa — on their ears; eka — or one; nūpurāḥ — set of ankle bells; na aṅktvā — not anointing; dvitīyam — the second; tu — but; aparāḥ — other ladies; ca — and; locanam — an eye.

Some of the ladies put their clothes and ornaments on backwards, others forgot one of their earrings or ankle bells, and others applied makeup to one eye but not the other.

The ladies were very eager to see Kṛṣṇa, and in their haste and excitement they forgot themselves.

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