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Text 51

upalabdhaṁ pati-prema
pāti-vratyaṁ ca te ’naghe
yad vākyaiś cālyamānāyā
na dhīr mayy apakarṣitā

upalabdham — perceived; pati — for one’s husband; prema — pure love; pāti — toward one’s husband; vratyam — adherence to vows of chastity; ca — and; te — your; anaghe — O sinless one; yat — in as much as; vākyaiḥ — with words; cālyamānāyāḥ — being disturbed; na — not; dhīḥ — your mind; mayi — attached to Me; apakarṣitā — dragged away.

O sinless one, I have now seen firsthand the pure love and chaste attachment you have for your husband. Even though shaken by My words, your mind could not be pulled away from Me.

Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī quotes the following verse describing the pure love between Rukmiṇī and Kṛṣṇa:

sarvathā dhvaṁsa-rahitaṁ
saty api dhvaṁsa-kāraṇe
yad bhāva-bandhanaṁ yūnoḥ
sa premā parikīrtitaḥ

“When the affectionate bond between a young man and a young woman can never be destroyed, even when there is every cause for the destruction of that relationship, the attachment between them is said to be pure love.” This is the nature of the eternal loving affairs between Lord Kṛṣṇa and His pure conjugal associates.

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