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Text 15
gṛhītvā pāṇinā pāṇī
sārathes tam athāruhat
pūrvādrim iva bhāskaraḥ
gṛhītvā — taking; pāṇinā — with His hand; pāṇī — the hands; sāratheḥ — of His chariot driver; tam — it; atha — then; āruhat — He mounted; sātyaki-uddhava — by Sātyaki and Uddhava; saṁyuktaḥ — joined; pūrva — of the east; adrim — the mountain; iva — as if; bhāskaraḥ — the sun.
Holding on to His charioteer’s hands, Lord Kṛṣṇa would mount the chariot, together with Sātyaki and Uddhava, just like the sun rising over the easternmost mountain.
The ācāryas point out that the Lord’s chariot driver would stand with joined palms and that the Lord, holding on to his joined hands with His right hand, would mount the chariot.