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Text 28

yatra śocanti brāhmaṇāḥ
te vai rājanya-veṣeṇa
naṭā jīvanty asum-bharāḥ

dhana — from wealth; dāra — wives; ātmaja — and children; apṛktāḥ — separated; yatra — in which (situation); śocanti — lament; brāhmaṇāḥbrāhmaṇas; te — they; vai — indeed; rājanya-veṣeṇa — disguised as kings; naṭāḥ — actors; jīvanti — they live; asum-bharāḥ — earning their own livelihood.

“The rulers of a kingdom in which brāhmaṇas lament over lost wealth, wives and children are merely imposters playing the role of kings just to earn their livelihood.

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