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Text 12

bhartary āptorumānānāṁ
lokān āviśate yaśaḥ
patir bhavad-vidho yāsāṁ
prajayā nanu jāyate

bhartari — by the husband; āpta-urumānānām — of those who are beloved; lokān — in the world; āviśate — spreads; yaśaḥ — fame; patiḥ — husband; bhavat-vidhaḥ — like your good self; yāsām — of those whose; prajayā — by children; nanu — certainly; jāyate — expands.

A woman is honored in the world by the benediction of her husband, and a husband like you will become famous by having children because you are meant for the expansion of living entities.

According to Ṛṣabhadeva, one should not become a father or mother unless one is confident that he can beget children whom he can deliver from the clutches of birth and death. Human life is the only opportunity to get out of the material scene, which is full of the miseries of birth, death, old age and diseases. Every human being should be given the opportunity to take advantage of his human form of life, and a father like Kaśyapa is supposed to beget good children for the purpose of liberation.

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