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Text 17
tataś ca gadayārātiṁ
dakṣiṇasyāṁ bhruvi prabhuḥ
ājaghne sa tu tāṁ saumya
gadayā kovido ’hanat
tataḥ — then; ca — and; gadayā — with His mace; arātim — the enemy; dakṣiṇasyām — on the right; bhruvi — on the brow; prabhuḥ — the Lord; ājaghne — struck; saḥ — the Lord; tu — but; tām — the mace; saumya — O gentle Vidura; gadayā — with his mace; kovidaḥ — expert; ahanat — he saved himself.
Then with His mace the Lord struck the enemy on the right of his brow, but since the demon was expert in fighting, O gentle Vidura, he protected himself by a maneuver of his own mace.