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Text 36

āsan varṇās trayo hy asya
gṛhṇato ’nu-yugaṁ tanūḥ
śuklo raktas tathā pīta
idānīṁ kṛṣṇatāṁ gataḥ

āsan — were; varṇāḥ — colors; trayaḥ — three; hi — certainly; asya — of this one; gṛhṇataḥ — who is manifesting; anu-yugam — according to the age; tanūḥ — bodies; śuklaḥ — white; raktaḥ — red; tathā — thus; pītaḥ — yellow; idānīm — now; kṛṣṇatām — blackness; gataḥ — obtained.

“This boy [Kṛṣṇa] has three other colors — white, red and yellow — as He appears in different ages. Now He has appeared in a transcendental blackish color.”

This is a verse from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (10.8.13).

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