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Text 166
tabe sei pāṭhāna cāri-janere bāṅdhila
kāṭite cāhe, gauḍiyā saba kāṅpite lāgila
tabe — then; sei pāṭhāna — the Pāṭhāna soldiers; cāri-janere — the four persons; bāṅdhila — arrested; kāṭite cāhe — wanted to kill them; gauḍiyā — the Bengalis; saba — all; kāṅpite lāgila — began to tremble.
Thinking this, the Pāṭhāna soldiers arrested the four persons and decided to kill them. Because of this, the two Bengalis began to tremble.
The four persons were Balabhadra Bhaṭṭācārya, his assistant brāhmaṇa, Rājaputa Kṛṣṇadāsa and the Sanoḍiyā brāhmaṇa devotee of Mādhavendra Purī.