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Text 26

aśnantya ekās tad apāsya sotsavā
abhyajyamānā akṛtopamajjanāḥ
svapantya utthāya niśamya niḥsvanaṁ
prapāyayantyo ’rbham apohya mātaraḥ

aśnantyaḥ — taking meals; ekaḥ — some; tat — that; apāsya — abandoning; sa-utsavaḥ — joyfully; abhyajyamānāḥ — being massaged; akṛta — not finishing; upamajjanāḥ — their bathing; svapantyaḥ — sleeping; utthāya — getting up; niśamya — having heard; niḥsvanam — the loud sounds; prapāyayantyaḥ — giving milk; arbham — to an infant; apohya — put aside; mātaraḥ — mothers.

Those who were taking their meals abandoned them, others went out without finishing their baths or massages, women who were sleeping at once rose when they heard the commotion, and mothers breast-feeding their infants simply put them aside.

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