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Text 42
evaṁ śapati viprarṣau
vidyām āsthāya phālgunaḥ
yayau saṁyamanīm āśu
yatrāste bhagavān yamaḥ
evam — thus; śapati — as he cursed him; vipra-ṛṣau — the wise brāhmaṇa; vidyām — a mystic incantation; āsthāya — resorting to; phālgunaḥ — Arjuna; yayau — went; saṁyamanīm — to the heavenly city Saṁyamanī; asu — immediately; yatra — where; āste — lives; bhagavān yamaḥ — Lord Yamarāja.
While the wise brāhmaṇa continued to heap insults upon him, Arjuna employed a mystic incantation to go at once to Saṁyamanī, the city of heaven where Lord Yamarāja resides.