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Text 16

ikṣvākūṇām ayaṁ vaṁśaḥ
sumitrānto bhaviṣyati
yatas taṁ prāpya rājānaṁ
saṁsthāṁ prāpsyati vai kalau

ikṣvākūṇām — of the dynasty of King Ikṣvāku; ayam — this (what has been described); vaṁśaḥ — descendants; sumitra-antaḥ — Sumitra being the last king of this dynasty; bhaviṣyati — will appear in the future, while the Kali-yuga still continues; yataḥ — because; tam — him, Mahārāja Sumitra; prāpya — getting; rājānam — as a king in that dynasty; saṁsthām — culmination; prāpsyati — gets; vai — indeed; kalau — at the end of Kali-yuga.

The last king in the dynasty of Ikṣvāku will be Sumitra; after Sumitra there will be no more sons in the dynasty of the sun-god, and thus the dynasty will end.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Ninth Canto, Twelfth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “The Dynasty of Kuśa, the Son of Lord Rāmacandra.”

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