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Text 17

pratīkṣate tvāṁ dāśārha
bhokṣyamāṇo vrajādhipaḥ
ehy āvayoḥ priyaṁ dhehi
sva-gṛhān yāta bālakāḥ

pratīkṣate — is waiting; tvām — for both of You (Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma); dāśārha — O Balarāma; bhokṣyamāṇaḥ — desiring to eat; vraja-adhipaḥ — the King of Vraja, Nanda Mahārāja; ehi — come here; āvayoḥ — our; priyam — pleasure; dhehi — just consider; sva-gṛhān — to their respective homes; yāta — let them go; bālakāḥ — the other boys.

Nanda Mahārāja, the King of Vraja, is now waiting to eat. O my dear son Balarāma, he is waiting for You. Therefore, come back to please us. All the boys playing with You and Kṛṣṇa should now go to their homes.

It appears that Nanda Mahārāja regularly took his food with his two sons, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma. Yaśodā told the other boys, “Now you should go to your homes.” Father and son generally sit together, so mother Yaśodā requested Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma to return, and she advised the other boys to go home so that their parents would not have to wait for them.

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