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Text 16

deva-deva jagan-nātha
nārāyaṇa namo ’stu te

deva-deva — O Lord of lords; jagat-nātha — O master of the universe; puṇya — pious; śravaṇa — hearing; kīrtana — and chanting (about whom); yadu-uttama — O best of the Yadus; uttamaḥ-śloka — O You who are glorified in excellent verses; nārāyaṇa — O Supreme Lord Nārāyaṇa; namaḥ — obeisances; astu — let there be; te — unto You.

O Lord of lords, master of the universe, O You whose glories it is most pious to hear and chant! O best of the Yadus, O You whose fame is recounted in excellent poetry! O Supreme Lord Nārāyaṇa, I offer You my obeisances.

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