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Text 5

yatrādbhutāni sarvāṇi
bhūmau viyati vā jale
taṁ tvānupaśyato brahman
kiṁ me dṛṣṭam ihādbhutam

yatra — in whom; adbhutāni — amazing things; sarvāṇi — all; bhūmau — on the earth; viyati — in the sky; — or; jale — in the water; tam — that person; tvā — You; anupaśyataḥ — seeing; brahman — O Supreme Absolute Truth; kim — what; me — by me; dṛṣṭam — seen; iha — in this world; adbhutam — amazing.

And now that I am seeing You, O Supreme Absolute Truth, in whom reside all amazing things on the earth, in the sky and in the water, what amazing things could I see in this world?

Akrūra has now realized that Lord Kṛṣṇa is not merely his nephew.

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