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Text 37

dīkṣānujanmopasadaḥ śirodharaṁ
tvaṁ prāyaṇīyodayanīya-daṁṣṭraḥ
jihvā pravargyas tava śīrṣakaṁ kratoḥ
satyāvasathyaṁ citayo ’savo hi te

dīkṣā — initiation; anujanma — spiritual birth, or repeated incarnations; upasadaḥ — three kinds of desires (relationship, activities and ultimate goal); śiraḥ-dharam — the neck; tvam — You; prāyaṇīya — after the result of initiation; udayanīya — the last rites of desires; daṁṣṭraḥ — the tusks; jihvā — the tongue; pravargyaḥ — prior activities; tava — Your; śīrṣakam — head; kratoḥ — of the sacrifice; satya — fire without sacrifice; āvasathyam — fire of worship; citayaḥ — aggregate of all desires; asavaḥ — life breath; hi — certainly; te — Your.

Moreover, O Lord, the repetition of Your appearance is the desire for all kinds of initiation. Your neck is the place for three desires, and Your tusks are the result of initiation and the end of all desires. Your tongue is the prior activities of initiation, Your head is the fire without sacrifice as well as the fire of worship, and Your living forces are the aggregate of all desires.

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