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Text 32

ye ’nye parārtha-bhavakā yamunopakūlāḥ
śaṁsantu kṛṣṇa-padavīṁ rahitātmanāṁ naḥ

cūta — O cūta tree (a kind of mango tree); priyāla — O priyāla tree; panasa — O jackfruit tree; āsana — O āsana tree; kovidāra — O kovidāra tree; jambu — O jambu tree; arka — O arka tree; bilva — O bel fruit tree; bakula — O bakula tree; āmra — O mango tree; kadamba — O kadamba tree; nīpāḥ — O nīpa tree; ye — which; anye — others; para-artha-bhavakāḥ — very beneficial to others; yamunā-upakūlāḥ — on the bank of the Yamunā; śaṁsantu — please tell; kṛṣṇa-padavīm — where Kṛṣṇa has gone; rahita-ātmanām — who have lost our minds; naḥ — us.

“[The gopīs said:] ‘O cūta tree, priyāla tree, panasa, āsana and kovidāra! O jambu tree, O arka tree, O bel, bakula and mango! O kadamba tree, O nīpa tree and all other trees living on the bank of the Yamunā for the welfare of others, please let us know where Kṛṣṇa has gone. We have lost our minds and are almost dead.

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