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Text 33
rodana-bindu-maranda-syandi-dṛg-indīvarādya govinda
tava madhura-svara-kaṇṭhī gāyati nāmāvalīṁ bālā
rodana-bindu — with teardrops; maranda — like the nectar or juice of flowers; syandi — pouring; dṛk-indīvarā — whose lotus eyes; adya — today; govinda — O my Lord Govinda; tava — Your; madhura-svara-kaṇṭhī — who has a very sweet voice; gāyati — sings; nāma-āvalīm — holy names; bālā — this young girl (Rādhikā).
“ ‘O Govinda, this youthful girl named Rādhikā is today constantly pouring forth tears like nectar falling from flowers as She sings Your holy names in a sweet voice.’
This verse is found in the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.3.38).