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Text 15

mada-cyudbhir gajānīkaiḥ
syandanair hema-mālibhiḥ
patty-aśva-saṅkulaiḥ sainyaiḥ
parītaḥ kuṇdīnaṁ yayau

mada — liquid secreted from the forehead; cyudbhiḥ — exuding; gaja — of elephants; anīkaiḥ — with hordes; syandanaiḥ — with chariots; hema — golden; mālibhiḥ — decorated with garlands; patti — with foot soldiers; aśva — and horses; saṅkulaiḥ — crowded; sainyaiḥ — by armies; parītaḥ — accompanied; kuṇḍinam — to Kuṇḍina, Bhīṣmaka’s capital; yayau — he went.

King Damaghoṣa traveled to Kuṇḍina accompanied by armies of elephants exuding mada, chariots hung with golden chains, and numerous cavalry and infantry soldiers.

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