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Text 16

prāyaḥ kṛṣṇena nihato
maṇi-grīvo vanaṁ gataḥ
bhrātā mameti tac chrutvā
karṇe karṇe ’japan janāḥ

prāyaḥ — probably; kṛṣṇena — by Kṛṣṇa; nihataḥ — killed; maṇi — the jewel; grīvaḥ — wearing on his neck; vanam — to the forest; gataḥ — gone; bhrātā — brother; mama — my; iti — thus saying; tat — that; śrutvā — hearing; karṇe karṇe — in one another’s ears; ajapan — whispered; janāḥ — the people.

He said, “Kṛṣṇa probably killed my brother, who went to the forest wearing the jewel on his neck.” The general populace heard this accusation and began whispering it in one another’s ears.

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