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Text 13

niśā-carītthaṁ vyathita-stanā vyasur
vyādāya keśāṁś caraṇau bhujāv api
prasārya goṣṭhe nija-rūpam āsthitā
vajrāhato vṛtra ivāpatan nṛpa

niśā-carī — the Rākṣasī; ittham — in this way; vyathita-stanā — being severely aggrieved because of pressure on her breast; vyasuḥ — lost her life; vyādāya — opening her mouth wide; keśān — bunch of hairs; caraṇau — her two legs; bhujau — her two hands; api — also; prasārya — expanding; goṣṭhe — in the pasturing ground; nija-rūpam āsthitā — remained in her original demoniac form; vajra-āhataḥ — killed by the thunderbolt of Indra; vṛtraḥ — Vṛtrāsura; iva — as if; apatat — fell down; nṛpa — O King.

In this way the demon Pūtanā, very much aggrieved because her breast was being attacked by Kṛṣṇa, lost her life. O King Parīkṣit, opening her mouth wide and spreading her arms, legs and hair, she fell down in the pasturing ground in her original form as a Rākṣasī, as Vṛtrāsura had fallen when killed by the thunderbolt of Indra.

Pūtanā was a great Rākṣasī who knew the art of covering her original form by mystic power, but when she was killed her mystic power could not hide her, and she appeared in her original form.

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