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Texts 32-33

tato ’gnir utthitaḥ kuṇḍān
mūrtimān ati-bhīṣaṇaḥ

kaṭhorāsyaḥ sva-jihvayā
ālihan sṛkvaṇī nagno
vidhunvaṁs tri-śikhaṁ jvalat

tataḥ — then; agniḥ — the fire; utthitaḥ — rose up; kuṇḍāt — from the sacrificial altar pit; mūrti-mān — assuming a personal form; ati — extremely; bhīṣaṇaḥ — fearsome; tapta — molten; tāmra — (like) copper; śikhā — the tuft of hair on whose head; śmaśruḥ — and whose beard; aṅgāra — hot cinders; udgāri — emitting; locanaḥ — whose eyes; daṁṣṭra — with his teeth; ugra — terrible; bhru — of the eyebrows; kuṭī — of the furrowing; daṇḍa — and with the arch; kaṭhora — harsh; āsyaḥ — whose face; sva — his; jihvayā — with the tongue; ālihan — licking; sṛkvaṇī — both corners of his mouth; nagnaḥ — naked; vidhunvan — shaking; tri-śikham — his trident; jvalat — ablaze.

Thereupon the fire rose up out of the altar pit, assuming the form of an extremely fearsome, naked person. The fiery creature’s beard and tuft of hair were like molten copper, and his eyes emitted blazing hot cinders. His face looked most frightful with its fangs and terrible arched and furrowed brows. As he licked the corners of his mouth with his tongue, the demon shook his flaming trident.

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