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Text 16

ity āmantrya varārohāṁ
kanyām āpsarasīṁ nṛpa
somo rājā yayau dattvā
te dharmeṇopayemire

iti — thus; āmantrya — addressing; vara-ārohām — possessing high, beautiful hips; kanyām — the girl; āpsarasīm — born of an Apsarā; nṛpa — O King; somaḥ — Soma, the predominating deity of the moon; rājā — the king; yayau — returned; dattvā — delivering; te — they; dharmeṇa — according to religious principles; upayemire — married.

Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: My dear King, after thus pacifying the Pracetās, Soma, the king of the moon, gave them the beautiful girl born of Pramlocā Apsarā. The Pracetās all received Pramlocā’s daughter, who had high, very beautiful hips, and married her according to the religious system.

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