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Text 4
bibhṛyād upavītaṁ ca
darbha-pāṇir yathoditam
mekhalā — a belt made of straw; ajina-vāsāṁsi — garments made of deerskin; jaṭā — matted hair; daṇḍa — a rod; kamaṇḍalūn — and a waterpot known as a kamaṇḍalu; bibhṛyāt — he (the brahmacārī) should regularly carry or wear; upavītam ca — and a sacred thread; darbha-pāṇiḥ — taking purified kuśa in his hand; yathā uditam — as recommended in the śāstras.
Carrying pure kuśa grass in his hand, the brahmacārī should dress regularly with a belt of straw and with deerskin garments. He should wear matted hair, carry a rod and waterpot and be decorated with a sacred thread, as recommended in the śāstras.