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Text 62

bhāvādvaitaṁ kriyādvaitaṁ
dravyādvaitaṁ tathātmanaḥ
vartayan svānubhūtyeha
trīn svapnān dhunute muniḥ

bhāva-advaitam — oneness in one’s conception of life; kriyā-advaitam — oneness in activities; dravya-advaitam — oneness in different paraphernalia; tathā — as well as; ātmanaḥ — of the soul; vartayan — considering; sva — one’s own; anubhūtyā — according to realization; iha — in this material world; trīn — the three; svapnān — living conditions (wakefulness, dreaming and sleep); dhunute — gives up; muniḥ — the philosopher or speculator.

After considering the oneness of existence, activity and paraphernalia and after realizing the self to be different from all actions and reactions, the mental speculator [muni], according to his own realization, gives up the three states of wakefulness, dreaming and sleep.

The three words bhāvādvaita, kriyādvaita and dravyādvaita are explained in the following verses. However, one has to give up all the nonduality of philosophical life in the material world and come to the actual life of reality in the spiritual world in order to attain perfection.

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