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Text 36

rohiṇī devakī cātha
pariṣvajya vrajeśvarīm
smarantyau tat-kṛtāṁ maitrīṁ
bāṣpa-kaṇṭhyau samūcatuḥ

rohiṇī — Rohiṇī; devakī — Devakī; ca — and; atha — next; pariṣvajya — embracing; vraja-īśvarīm — the Queen of Vraja (Yaśodā); smarantyau — remembering; tat — by her; kṛtam — done; maitṛīm — friendship; bāṣpa — tears; kaṇṭhyau — in whose throats; samūcatuḥ — they addressed her.

Then Rohiṇī and Devakī both embraced the Queen of Vraja, remembering the faithful friendship she had shown them. Their throats choking with tears, they addressed her as follows.

At this time, according to Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī, Śrī Vasudeva invited Nanda outside to meet Ugrasena and the other elder Yadus. Taking this opportunity, Rohiṇī and Devakī talked with Queen Yaśodā.

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