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Text 13
gāvo ’trasann asṛg-dohās
toyadāḥ pūya-varṣiṇaḥ
vyarudan deva-liṅgāni
drumāḥ petur vinānilam
gāvaḥ — the cows; atrasan — were frightened; asṛk — blood; dohāḥ — yielding; toyadāḥ — clouds; pūya — pus; varṣiṇaḥ — raining; vyarudan — shed tears; deva-liṅgāni — the images of the gods; drumāḥ — trees; petuḥ — fell down; vinā — without; anilam — a blast of wind.
Cows, terrified, yielded blood in place of milk, clouds rained pus, the images of the gods in the temples shed tears, and trees fell down without a blast of wind.