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Text 46
evaṁ yogānubhāvena
dam-patyo ramamāṇayoḥ
śataṁ vyatīyuḥ śaradaḥ
kāma-lālasayor manāk
evam — thus; yoga-anubhāvena — by yogic powers; dam-patyoḥ — the couple; ramamāṇayoḥ — while enjoying themselves; śatam — a hundred; vyatīyuḥ — passed; śaradaḥ — autumns; kāma — sexual pleasure; lālasayoḥ — who were eagerly longing for; manāk — like a short time.
While the couple, who eagerly longed for sexual pleasure, were thus enjoying themselves by virtue of mystic powers, a hundred autumns passed like a brief span of time.