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Text 31
tad vīrāsīt puṇyatamaṁ
kṣetraṁ trailokya-viśrutam
nāmnā siddha-padaṁ yatra
sā saṁsiddhim upeyuṣī
tat — that; vīra — O brave Vidura; āsīt — was; puṇya-tamam — most sacred; kṣetram — place; trai-lokya — in the three worlds; viśrutam — known; nāmnā — by the name; siddha-padam — Siddhapada; yatra — where; sā — she (Devahūti); saṁsiddhim — perfection; upeyuṣī — achieved.
The place where Devahūti achieved her perfection, my dear Vidura, is understood to be a most sacred spot. It is known all over the three worlds as Siddhapada.