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Text 14
āsyatāṁ hy aravindākṣa
gṛhyatām arhaṇaṁ ca naḥ
bhujyatāṁ santi nīvārā
uṣyatāṁ yadi rocate
āsyatām — please come sit here; hi — indeed; aravinda-akṣa — O great hero with eyes like the petals of a lotus; gṛhyatām — please accept; arhaṇam — humble reception; ca — and; naḥ — our; bhujyatām — please eat; santi — what there is in stock; nīvārāḥ — nīvārā rice; uṣyatām — stay here; yadi — if; rocate — you so desire.
O King with eyes like the petals of a lotus, kindly come sit down and accept whatever reception we can offer. We have a supply of nīvārā rice that you may kindly take. And if you so desire, stay here without hesitation.