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Text 37

nūnaṁ me bhagavān prīto
viṣṇuḥ kenāpi karmaṇā
nirvedo ’yaṁ durāśāyā
yan me jātaḥ sukhāvahaḥ

nūnam — undoubtedly; me — with me; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; prītaḥ — is pleased; viṣṇuḥ — the Personality of Godhead; kena api — by some; karmaṇā — activity; nirvedaḥ — detachment from sense gratification; ayam — this; durāśāyāḥ — in one who so stubbornly hoped for material enjoyment; yat — because; me — in me; jātaḥ — it has arisen; sukha — happiness; āvahaḥ — bringing.

Although I most stubbornly hoped to enjoy the material world, somehow or other detachment has arisen in my heart, and it is making me very happy. Therefore the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu, must be pleased with me. Without even knowing it, I must have performed some activity satisfying to Him.

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