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Texts 20-21

prajāpati-patir brahmā
kumāreṇa bhavena ca

kaśyapasyāditeḥ prītyai
sarva-bhūta-bhavāya ca
lokānāṁ loka-pālānām
akarod vāmanaṁ patim

prajāpati-patiḥ — the master of all Prajāpatis; brahmā — Lord Brahmā; deva — with the demigods; ṛṣi — with the great saintly persons; pitṛ — with the inhabitants of Pitṛloka; bhūmipaiḥ — with the Manus; dakṣa — with Dakṣa; bhṛgu — with Bhṛgu Muni; aṅgirāḥ — with Aṅgirā Muni; mukhyaiḥ — with all the chiefs of the various planetary systems; kumāreṇa — with Kārttikeya; bhavena — with Lord Śiva; ca — also; kaśyapasya — of Kaśyapa Muni; aditeḥ — of Aditi; prītyai — for the pleasure; sarva-bhūta-bhavāya — for the auspiciousness of all living entities; ca — also; lokānām — of all planetary systems; loka-pālānām — of the predominating persons in all planets; akarot — made; vāmanam — Lord Vāmana; patim — the supreme leader.

Lord Brahmā [the master of King Dakṣa and all other Prajāpatis], accompanied by all the demigods, the great saintly persons, the inhabitants of Pitṛloka, the Manus, the munis, and such leaders as Dakṣa, Bhṛgu and Aṅgirā, as well as Kārttikeya and Lord Śiva, accepted Lord Vāmanadeva as the protector of everyone. He did this for the pleasure of Kaśyapa Muni and his wife Aditi and for the welfare of all the inhabitants of the universe, including their various leaders.

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