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Text 80

śākhā-śreṣṭha dhruvānanda, śrīdhara brahmacārī
bhāgavata-ācārya, haridāsa brahmacārī

śākhā-śreṣṭha — the chief branch; dhruvānanda — Dhruvānanda; śrīdhara brahmacārī — Śrīdhara Brahmacārī; bhāgavata-ācārya — Bhāgavata Ācārya; haridāsa brahmacārī — Haridāsa Brahmacārī.

The chief branches of Śrī Gadādhara Paṇḍita were (1) Śrī Dhruvānanda, (2) Śrīdhara Brahmacārī, (3) Haridāsa Brahmacārī and (4) Raghunātha Bhāgavata Ācārya.

text 152 of the Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā describes Śrī Dhruvānanda Brahmacārī as an incarnation of Lalitā, and texts 194 and 199 describe Śrīdhara Brahmacārī as the gopī known as Candralatikā.

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