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Text 246
kṛṣṇe nāmāviṣṭa-manā sadā haridāsa
araṇye rodita haila strī-bhāva-prakāśa
kṛṣṇe — unto Lord Kṛṣṇa; nāma-āviṣṭa — absorbed in chanting the holy name; manā — mind; sadā — always; haridāsa — Haridāsa Ṭhākura; araṇye — in the wilderness; rodita — crying; haila — became; strī-bhāva-prakāśa — exhibition of feminine postures.
Haridāsa Ṭhākura was always absorbed in thoughts of Kṛṣṇa and the holy name of Kṛṣṇa. Therefore the feminine poses the woman exhibited were just like crying in the forest.