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yathā dīpo nivāta-stho
neṅgate sopamā smṛtā
yogino yata-cittasya
yuñjato yogam ātmanaḥ
yathā – as; dīpaḥ – a lamp; nivāta-sthaḥ – in a place without wind; na – does not; iṅgate – waver; sā – this; upamā – comparison; smṛtā – is considered; yoginaḥ – of the yogī; yata-cittasya – whose mind is controlled; yuñjataḥ – constantly engaged; yogam – in meditation; ātmanaḥ – on transcendence.
As a lamp in a windless place does not waver, so the transcendentalist, whose mind is controlled, remains always steady in his meditation on the transcendent Self.
A truly Kṛṣṇa conscious person, always absorbed in transcendence, in constant undisturbed meditation on his worshipable Lord, is as steady as a lamp in a windless place.