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Text 26
eṣa dainan-dinaḥ sargo
brāhmas trailokya-vartanaḥ
sambhavo yatra karmabhiḥ
eṣaḥ — all these creations; dainam-dinaḥ — daily; sargaḥ — creation; brāhmaḥ — in terms of the days of Brahmā; trailokya-vartanaḥ — revolution of the three worlds; tiryak — animals lower than the human beings; nṛ — human beings; pitṛ — of the Pitā planets; devānām — of the demigods; sambhavaḥ — appearance; yatra — wherein; karmabhiḥ — in the cycle of fruitive activities.
In the creation, during Brahmā’s day, the three planetary systems — Svarga, Martya and Pātāla — revolve, and the inhabitants, including the lower animals, human beings, demigods and Pitās, appear and disappear in terms of their fruitive activities.