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Text 39
kālo ’yaṁ paramāṇv-ādir
dvi-parārdhānta īśvaraḥ
naiveśituṁ prabhur bhūmna
īśvaro dhāma-māninām
kālaḥ — the eternal time; ayam — this; parama-aṇu — atom; ādiḥ — beginning from; dvi-parārdha — two superdurations of time; antaḥ — to the end; īśvaraḥ — controller; na — never; eva — certainly; īśitum — to control; prabhuḥ — capable; bhūmnaḥ — of the Supreme; īśvaraḥ — controller; dhāma-māninām — of those who are body conscious.
Eternal time is certainly the controller of different dimensions, from that of the atom up to the superdivisions of the duration of Brahmā’s life; but, nevertheless, it is controlled by the Supreme. Time can control only those who are body conscious, even up to the Satyaloka or the other higher planets of the universe.