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Text 23
sa vai tirohitān dṛṣṭvā
mahasā svena daitya-rāṭ
sendrān deva-gaṇān kṣībān
apaśyan vyanadad bhṛśam
saḥ — he; vai — indeed; tirohitān — vanished; dṛṣṭvā — having seen; mahasā — by might; svena — his own; daitya-rāṭ — the chief of the Daityas (demons); sa-indrān — along with Indra; deva-gaṇān — the demigods; kṣībān — intoxicated; apaśyan — not finding; vyanadat — roared; bhṛśam — loudly.
On not finding Indra and the other demigods, who had previously been intoxicated with power, the chief of the Daityas, seeing that they had all vanished before his might, roared loudly.