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Text 12
mahā-bhūtāni pañcaiva
bhūr āpo ’gnir marun nabhaḥ
tan-mātrāṇi ca tāvanti
gandhādīni matāni me
mahā-bhūtāni — the gross elements; pañca — five; eva — exactly; bhūḥ — earth; āpaḥ — water; agniḥ — fire; marut — air; nabhaḥ — ether; tat-mātrāṇi — the subtle elements; ca — also; tāvanti — so many; gandha-ādīni — smell and so on (taste, color, touch and sound); matāni — considered; me — by Me.
There are five gross elements, namely earth, water, fire, air and ether. There are also five subtle elements: smell, taste, color, touch and sound.