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Text 24

tayā sa puruṣa-śreṣṭho
ramayantyā yathārhataḥ
reme sura-vihāreṣu
kāmaṁ caitrarathādiṣu

tayā — with her; saḥ — he; puruṣa-śreṣṭhaḥ — the best of human beings (Purūravā); ramayantyā — enjoying; yathā-arhataḥ — as far as possible; reme — enjoyed; sura-vihāreṣu — in places resembling the heavenly parks; kāmam — according to his desire; caitraratha-ādiṣu — in the best gardens, like Caitraratha.

Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: The best of human beings, Purūravā, began freely enjoying the company of Urvaśī, who engaged in sexual activities with him in many celestial places, such as Caitraratha and Nandana-kānana, where the demigods enjoy.

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